Speech for Dedication of the New
Mexico Highlands University
Science Building
Dr. Michael Pravica
November, 2002
Las Vegas, New
Greetings distinguished guests, members of the University
community and members of the local community at large.
As one who is passionately dedicated to the
cause of bettering our society via education, I am deeply honored to have been
chosen to speak on behalf of my department (Math and Computer sciences) on the
dedication of our new Science Building.
Let me first
discuss why we so desperately need such a science center for Highlands
and an invigoration for our programs.
Today, our nation is in crisis.
Our students are not being properly prepared for careers in science,
engineering, and mathematics. Yet our
nation’s security and economic prosperity are contingent upon maintaining our
nation’s excellence in science, math, and engineering and producing highly
trained specialists in these fields so that they can continue to push the
envelope of human understanding through research and development. Currently, many of our scientists and
engineers are imported. If we can’t
train our own home-grown scientists and engineers, it is then only a matter of
time before our society will lose its preeminence in research and development
which will have catastrophic ramifications on our ability to produce the most
novel and innovative technologies upon which we all thrive and for which we are
the envy of the world.
We are leaving
the world in a worse situation for our children than it has been in the
past. It is up to our generation and
future generations to deal with impending natural crises which only science can
solve. Let us consider some of these
problems. For example, global warming has the serious potential to make the
Earth’s atmosphere akin to Venus’ which would likely destroy all life on this
planet. Acid rain, ozone layer depletion and improper disposal of chemical wastes are all
symptoms of the poisoning of our bioshpere and have
seriously harmed wildlife and humans.
Our ever-diminishing resources of fossil fuels and our dependence on
imported energy will require us to seek alternative energy sources such as
solar, wind, hydrogen, hydro and nuclear power, and perhaps someday limitless
fusion. Water is becoming an ever-scarce
resource that we can no longer take for granted. Global weather changes have resulted in
tremendous drought the world over and overwhelming flooding elsewhere. Endless terrorist threats to our country have
also found us relying on scientists, mathematicians, and engineers to seek
solutions to improve our national security as the lessons from 9/11 teach us
that the price of democracy is eternal vigilance. Finally, as we overpopulate this tiny planet,
our only home, we further stress all life existing upon it and must find ways
to not only coexist with other life forms so we don’t destroy them, but to more
efficiently and responsibly harness Earth’s abundant yet limited natural
resources and perhaps God-willing, travel to other planets in our solar system
and beyond. Science and the language we
use to communicate science (math) teach us not only humility but also reason
and realism which will most certainly be required if we are to survive in the
21st Century and beyond.
Now that I have
discussed why we need to support science, engineering, and math, let me discuss
why we need this science building more than ever. New Mexico
has some of the most brilliant, talented and highly-trained people in the world
with national labs that continue to stun and wow the world with their
intellectual achievements. Yet, New
Mexico’s educational systems from primary all the way
up to University are among the poorest-funded and poorest-quality in the
nation. This is inexcusable. Students from Northern New Mexico
(and the rest of the state for that matter) are just as good as students
anywhere else in this nation. They
deserve every opportunity to be guided, encouraged to excel and eventually
succeed in science, math, and engineering should they wish it and to be allowed
contribute as patriotic Americans to this country’s greatness by helping their
nation where it needs it most – in the hard sciences and engineering. New Mexico
Highlands University
is one of a small minority of institutions in the nation that are
minority-serving. The US
government has committed itself to assisting under-represented minorities as
its support for this building attests.
It is therefore with great optimism and hope that I believe New
Mexico’s business, social and political leaders will
also realize and understand the need to support science, math and engineering
like never before and will continue to strive to make New
Mexico Highlands University
an even greater institution than it is currently. The problems that Highlands
is currently suffering from are not insurmountable but we need your help. I also call upon members of our local
community at large to take up the cause of science, math and engineering and to
help us fill this building with eager students who will carry with them the
hopes and desires of an entire nation.
Thank you for your time!